
Maura is offering 2 sessions in Dublin in April 2025.

The Transformational Power of Relational Mindfulness for both Client and Practitioner

This is a one day workshop, from 10am to 5pm, and is open to everyone.

Course participants develop the ability to deepen into a state of presence and learn to bring this state of awareness into Relational Mindfulness which then becomes the ground of enquiry into self and interpersonal process.  In this endeavour, mindfulness practices are integrated with western psychodynamics and psychotherapy skills yielding a fully integrated approach.  The main focus is a cultivation of qualities of presence, compassionate awareness, and enquiry that we can bring to self and other within relationship, and the extension of this into our clinical work. It will be of interest to therapists in many fields of qualified practice including psychotherapy, counselling, practitioners of complementary and orthodox medicine, body-oriented therapies such as Craniosacral Therapy and mindfulness-based practitioners in general.

Course participants will be introduced to key concepts and practices including:

  • Finding a place of rest, resource and wellbeing from which to be in relationship;

  • The value of mindfulness and how it can help create a safe therapeutic relationship and facilitate recovery from relational wounds;

  • The Core Process theoretical model of Self, Being and Source and the cultivation of a being-to-being holding field;

  • The power of present moment enquiry in relational work;

  • Practices for tuning into more subtle and non-verbal aspects of communication.

We welcome people attending for various reasons including:

  • Qualified existing Psychotherapists, Counsellors and Health Practitioners looking to gain CPD credits;

  • Meditation Teachers and people interested in exploring the link between psychological and spiritual wellbeing.

We welcome people from all spiritual traditions or none - it is certainly not necessary to be a Buddhist to do this course, or have any prior knowledge of Buddhism. We respect and encourage the diverse ways people can connect with personal forms of wellbeing.

Where: Clayton Hotel, Charlemont, Dublin 2

When: Saturday 12 April 2025, 10am to 5pm

Cost: €110

Contact Geraldine Griffin for more information, and to book, email Geraldine Griffin at gegriffin28@gmail.com


Talk - The Benediction of Presence

This is open to the existing Core Process Community in Ireland. It will be an evening gathering with Maura, deepening into the theme on presence with a short Q&A section following the talk.

Where: Oscailt Integrative Centre, 8 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4

When: Friday 11 April 2025, 6.45pm to 8.15pm

Cost: €50

Contact Geraldine Griffin for more information, and to book, email Geraldine Griffin at gegriffin28@gmail.com
