Saturday Retreats - Autumn and Winter 2024

We are offering an assortment of one day retreats throughout Autumn and Winter 2024. These are listed below, with more information about how to book.

  • Nurturing Your Life Energy - with Angus Clark

    A Series of Restorative Movement Workshops using Tai Chi and Qigong

    What better way to enjoy the autumn months and head towards winter with these nurturing, strengthening workshops for building and maintaining your life energy.

    You are welcome to join whether you have much or no experience in tai chi and qigong.

    Each day is made up of two parts with Tai Chi Essence in the morning and the White Crane Qigong in the afternoon.

    You are welcome to attend whole or half days.

    Morning Program

    10.30am - 1pm Tai Chi Essence

    The Tai Chi Essence Set includes learning key principles, a set of key moves and the first part of the Short Form bringing you stamina, strength and a deep sense of wellbeing.

    Afternoon Program

    2 - 4.30pm The White Crane Qigong

    You will have chance to learn the full five part set of this wonderful qigong movement practice for wellbeing.

    Teas and coffee are provided. Please bring your lunch with you.

    DATES: Saturday 21st September / Saturday 9th November / Saturday 7th December 2024

    VENUE: Karuna Dartmoor

    TUTORS: Angus Clark

    COST: £45 for whole day / £25 for half day / £120 for all 3 days

    To book or enquire further, contact Angus directly at

    More information about Angus on his website at

  • Heartspace - with Anne Overzee

    A series of retreat days during threshold times of the year to simply rest and ‘be’ amidst the natural beauty and changing seasons of Dartmoor.

    There will be a simple schedule based around periods of silent sitting and practices of the heart, as well as Kum Nye (Tibetan yoga) and/or walking meditation outside if possible.

    These days are open to everyone, including those on a life threshold. Sometimes coming together even briefly and sharing silence brings a deepening into felt connectedness and presence. Together we can co-create a space that includes the sacred, - and joy!

    The days will start at 10:00am and finish at 3:00pm.

    Please bring your own lunch. Teas and coffee are provided.

    DATES: Saturday 18 September / Saturday 14 December 2024

    VENUE: Karuna Dartmoor

    TUTORS: Anne Overzee

    COST: Anne is a offering the days for free and should you wish to, you can offer dana (voluntary giving).

    To book, please visit

    For any further enquiries, please contact Anne on 07717 221 504.

    About Anne

    Anne seeks to integrate the contemplative. In daily life she draws on this together with her experience as a Core Process psychotherapist and her love of nature, ritual and creativity in her work with groups both here and in Italy, where she has been offering courses and retreats for twenty years. More recently she trained as an End-of-Life Doula.

  • What Moves Me and How Am I Moved? - with Klaas Overzee


    A series of Awareness through Movement days with Klaas Overzee.

    Where is the place where I let go of effort, where everything comes into stillness? And how can I include this in my daily life?

    Each day will be based around Awareness through Movement practices. The invitation is to access more of our potential, and bring greater kindness, ease and grace into how we are in the world.

    The day will start at 10:00am, and finish at 4:00pm.

    Teas and coffee will be provided, please bring your own lunch.

    DATES: Saturday 14 September / Saturday 5th October / Saturday 16 November 2024

    VENUE: Karuna Dartmoor

    TUTORS: Klaas Overzee

    COST: £45 per day, or £120 for all 3 days.

    To book or enquire further, please contact Klaas on or call him on 07436 016 688.

    About Klaas

    Klaas taught Performance Art in Further Education, developed educational drama for volunteers and artists working with people with special needs, which moved him to train as a Feldenkrais Practitioner.

    To further his work with individuals and groups he trained as a Core Process Psychotherapist. This step led to work in the health service as a theraputic Group worker in Exeter.